Blogger BlogNet40992

The Concerns Of The Cat Health Heart Murmur


If a vet listens to the heartbeat of a cat and if they hear any unusual sounds, they may require more tests, but generally, they give the diagnosis of a heart murmur. The vet listens to the heartbeat, heart rhythm and the heart sounds to determine if the heart has any irregularities. The health of the cat determines if any concern for this heart condition exists.

Types of Cat Health Heart Murmurs
Two types are physiological and pathological conditions. The physiological murmur results when a fever or anemia is present. The pathological murmur results when a condition affects the valves and heart muscle of the cat. Researchers conducted tests to find out more information on cat health heart murmurs.

A Boston animal hospital conducted a test on one hundred cats and found that twenty-one percent of the cats had a heart murmur. Out of the twenty-one percent, seven cats were given an echocardiography and six cats actually had a heart problem called hypertrophy cardiomyopathy. The result of the study showed that healthy cats may show signs of a heart murmur, but without proper testing, the outcome and diagnosis is inconclusive.

Heart murmurs are measured by grades. Six different types of grades exist from I to VI with grade VI the most severe and grade I mild. Veterinarians grade the heart murmur, but the murmur graded VI does not make it the worst heart murmur to have in a cat.

Cat Health Heart Murmur Issues
Some kittens are born with heart murmurs that disappear by the time they reach six months. The incidental heart murmur occurs in cats that appear healthy, but they may show signs of weakness and color changes in the skin and tongue. A cat that shows signs of poor health may also experience heart murmurs. The only way to determine if a heart murmur exists is to run tests.

The only way to determine the severalty of a heart murmur is by an ultrasound. If you need to have your cat spayed or neutered, a veterinarian may insist on an x-ray or n ultrasound to determine how severe the heart murmur is before doing the operation. The cat that is born with a heart murmur usually receives a lower grade type, rather than an older cat that develops a heart murmur later in life.

For the most part cat heart murmurs need no type of treatment unless they become severe or cause other health problems. Cats do have potential for congestive heart failure, although rare, this may lead to your vet ordering tests for your cat if it has a heart murmur. If you suspect your cat has a heart murmur, the only thing to do is have an exam to determine the grade of the murmur and then follow the veterinarians advice on the care and treatment of your cat. The cat needs a healthy and happy life and only you know your cats personality and activities.

You can also find more info on Cat Sneezing and Common Cat Health Issues. is a comprehensive resource to find more information about cat health.

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Why pay more for Ohio auto insurance than necessary? If you can get the coverage that you need (an the state of Ohio requires by law) then why not find the cheapest Ohio auto insurance policy that you can? In fact, there are a number of different strategies that you can employ in order to find a cheap Ohio car insurance rate.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Ohio holds an estimated population of 11,478,006 as of 2006 and has only grown 1.1% in the last year. This means that rates in the state of Ohio have not seen a big change yet because the number of cars in the roads has not varied much.

Deciding to take the minimum coverage issued by OH state law is not the only solution to cheap automobile insurance in the state of Ohio. People can choose to drop the comprehensive and collision coverage options if their car is just too old, which will allow them the save a lot of money in the long run.

The deductible is another key thing in determining the rate that a person will pay for car insurance yearly. If a person has a low deductible that means that they are covered much more in case of an accident, hence the price of their policy will be higher. For this reason if you increase your deductible even a slight bit, you will be able to save some money. Higher out of pocket costs mean lower monthly premiums, which result in lower yearly rates.

Other ways to save on automobile insurance for Ohio residents include bundling services under one company. This means that if you have health insurance, automobile insurance or homeowners insurance you will be able to get a cheap deal. Simply just find out which insurance carrier offers all three, or even two of them and bundle them together under one policy. A person can save up to 10% off the price if they do this, not to mention that nowadays; most insurance companies offer a variety of services.

An Ohio resident can also opt to asking for discounts for driving less. If you drive less frequently you might be able to get a low mileage discount which can save you some money in addition to the things said above. Not only this, but you can also get a discount for being a safe driver just like in many other states. Believe it or not, insurance companies do not check your driving record that often, which means that you won't be able to get a good driver discount unless you tell them about it.

It usually takes three years of clean driving with no accidents, DUI's or citations for an insurance company to even consider giving a clean driving record discount. However, the benefits of this discount are plenty because you can save HUGE amounts of money after a company considers you a defensive driver. It is also worth mentioning that there are many other discounts such as good student and vehicle safety features, but they vary from company to company. Because of this reason it is important to do some research with every single company out there before you decide on which auto insurance company is right for you.

Even though Ohio is not a big state and automobile insurance rates are not that expensive compared to other states of the nation, a person can still save quite a bit of money when looking to buy an Ohio car insurance policy. So go out and shop around amongst multiple insurance companies because it is certainly possible to find cheap auto insurance!

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Blogger BlogNet40992: Aug 23, 2008

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