Blogger BlogNet40992

Building a Solid Reputation So You Make Money With the Internet


In the blogging world there are a lot of things that you can do to help out your site and make it better than the competition. But there are also things that can hinder your blog and ruin it in a sense. If you really want to try and improve your blog so you can make money with the internet, there are a few things to be aware of.

Having a good reputation as a blogger is practically essential in the blogging world. If you are known to spread false information, exaggerate on the issues or you just aren't sincere with your readers, then you will lose them and quickly. So how exactly can you go about not only establishing a good reputation on the internet, but maintaining it too?

Start Out Strong

If you are just new to the blogging world or are currently starting a new blog, then you want to focus your attention on giving off the best first impression that you can. Now, you may have a great personality but who can you really show that when all you have is a space on the internet? Luckily, it really isn't all the complicated.

You should always be yourself. People who read your blogs will be able to tell when you are or are not being honest and good with the them. If you are putting on a show, they will see right through it. No matter how sneaky you think you can be about it, they will see right through you.

A Few Things To Remember

If you really are trying to make a good impression on your readers, then there are a few things that you should try. Consider what kind of "blog voice" you are going to have on your site. The way you say or write certain things, could have a big influence on how they feel or if they want to keep reading.

Another thing that you may want to consider is being sincere consistently. If you start out strong then carry that good reputation with you and don't let it go. If you are honest and sincere with your readers, they will feel like you have established a real relationship of trust with them. If you are transparent, it will be easy to see who you really are.

How To Help Recover Your Reputation

If your reputation online has recently suffered from a few attacks and you feel like the damage is quite a blow, then there are a few things you can do. Don't just stand there and take it, but defend yourself. Especially if the accusations are not true, then you need to clear them and do it quickly before it gets too big to handle.

Having a good reputation when it comes to your online business is something that may take a little work but will be worth it in the end. And remember that once you lose your good reputation, especially online, it will be even harder to get it back.

Court provides information about how to make money with the internet through his website: Court's Internet Marketing School.

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Update Your Old Blog Posts


Most bloggers never revisit old posts after they were originally posted. Bloggers usually always focus on what they are going to write next on their blog and forget about their past posts. However one thing to keep in mind is that your writing has evolved over time and has hopefully got a lot better then when you first started blogging. Your knowledge of blogging has increase through experience and research in the topic of your blog. When you first started writing your blog there were probably flaws in: SEO unfriendly titles, poor quality posts, bad grammar, and poor structure of posts.

After posting for a few months regularly you probably have built up a decent archive of content. This information is invaluable and it is something that you always want to keep in your blog. However you should realize that these posts could be improved upon even though they are old. There is no reason why you cannot go back to these archived posts and edit them and improve them. By editing these posts you can increase the value of them.

Updating Archived Posts

There are many ways you can go back to update these archived posts. Probably one of the easiest ways I find to do it is go back to the oldest post and work your way to the newest ones. You do not have to edit the posts all at once. You can concentrate on updating maybe one or two a week and slowly work your way through all your posts. Some of them may not even need editing and some may need a lot of work. I always try to read over my previous posts from the last month to see if I can improve upon them. I also sometimes get other people to read my blog posts to make sure they make sense since sometimes I write them late at night. Below are a few things you should look for when editing your old posts:

  • Improve the grammar, spelling, post structure - the more you blog the better you will get at this. If you are still struggling you can get the help of a friend or family member to read over your posts to help you improve them.
  • Change blog titles to more SEO friendly titles - this if one of the most important things you can do to improve the quality of your blog posts. A lot of the traffic to your blog will come from search engines and having a SEO friendly title helps bring in the traffic.
  • Add in any relevant images and links - it is helpful to spice up your blog a bit with relevant images. It gives the reader something to look at while they read your blog and makes it a bit more interesting. As well having links about the things you are taking about is helpful as well so the reader can easily view what you are talking about.
  • Add more details - if the post is very plain and doesn't really have any useful information then add some more information that will catch the readers attention. If the post doesn't catch the readers attention then it hasn't done its job.

Hopefully you consider going back to some of your previous posts and changing them up a bit to improve the quality of the posts. I know it is something I have definitely done myself and will continue doing in the future.

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In the blogging world there are a lot of things that you can do to help out your site and make it better than the competition. But there are also things that can hinder your blog and ruin it in a sense. If you really want to try and improve your blog so you can make money with the internet, there are a few things to be aware of.

Having a good reputation as a blogger is practically essential in the blogging world. If you are known to spread false information, exaggerate on the issues or you just aren't sincere with your readers, then you will lose them and quickly. So how exactly can you go about not only establishing a good reputation on the internet, but maintaining it too?

Start Out Strong

If you are just new to the blogging world or are currently starting a new blog, then you want to focus your attention on giving off the best first impression that you can. Now, you may have a great personality but who can you really show that when all you have is a space on the internet? Luckily, it really isn't all the complicated.

You should always be yourself. People who read your blogs will be able to tell when you are or are not being honest and good with the them. If you are putting on a show, they will see right through it. No matter how sneaky you think you can be about it, they will see right through you.

A Few Things To Remember

If you really are trying to make a good impression on your readers, then there are a few things that you should try. Consider what kind of "blog voice" you are going to have on your site. The way you say or write certain things, could have a big influence on how they feel or if they want to keep reading.

Another thing that you may want to consider is being sincere consistently. If you start out strong then carry that good reputation with you and don't let it go. If you are honest and sincere with your readers, they will feel like you have established a real relationship of trust with them. If you are transparent, it will be easy to see who you really are.

How To Help Recover Your Reputation

If your reputation online has recently suffered from a few attacks and you feel like the damage is quite a blow, then there are a few things you can do. Don't just stand there and take it, but defend yourself. Especially if the accusations are not true, then you need to clear them and do it quickly before it gets too big to handle.

Having a good reputation when it comes to your online business is something that may take a little work but will be worth it in the end. And remember that once you lose your good reputation, especially online, it will be even harder to get it back.

Court provides information about how to make money with the internet through his website: Court's Internet Marketing School.

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Blogger BlogNet40992: Oct 7, 2008

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